World Rabies Day 2023

Help educate yourself and others.

Raise awareness about the risk of rabies and how to prevent this incurable disease before it takes hold.

Rabies is a very dangerous disease caused by a truly nasty little virus called ‘the Rabies Lyssavirus’. This virus once introduced into the body, usually via a bite from an infected host, completely avoids the main immune system by travelling up nerve cells and through the nervous system to the brain. Once the virus reaches the brain, it is too late to eliminate; symptoms will begin to show and the virus will multiply aggressively until the host either infects another host and/or expires.

Harrowing as that sounds, there is a very simple way of stopping this disease before it can overwhelm you or others that you care about.

As Lyssa has to sneak it’s way through the nervous system it travels relatively slowly. This is our main weapon; TIME.

As we have more time that a general infection we can vaccinate against rabies and fortify the immune system’s dendritic cells against lyssa before it reaches it’s destination. We can stop the rabies infection in it’s tracks before it can do it’s nefarious work.

So, if you receive a bite or a scratch from an aggressive/oddly acting animal or even person, we cannot recommend enough that you go straight to a hospital and get a vaccination against rabies, it may just save your life.

The Symptoms

First signs:

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Agitation

  • Anxiety

  • Confusion

  • Hyperactivity

Leading to:

  • Heightened aggression

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Pathological evasion of water

And finally:

  • Encephalitis & Death

Rabies First stage symptoms
Rabies Stages stage one symptoms
Rabies stages late stages
Rabies stages death

The solutions

The only known solution for rabies is to take the ‘rabies vaccine’. As the virus takes a while to complete its journey to your brain. It is possible to vaccinate against the virus before it can do severe damage and eliminate the it. Effectively saving your life from a slow and unpleasant death.

Rabies stages - vaccination

We apologise for the slightly severe nature of this particular update. We would only like to lend a word for awareness of this terrifying subject and hope that you feel better for knowing what to do if this ever happens to you or someone that you love.

If you have found this subject facinating we would encourage you to do some further reading or watch a video on the subject from the fantastic people at Kurzgesagt.