frequently asked questions
here are the answers to some regularly asked questions

network events
i can’t attend the event I’ve paid for - is there a cancellation fee?
We understand that life happens and you may have to cancel your place(s), however we would appreciate as much notice as possible. If a substitute can attend in your place, no cancellation or admin charges will apply.
16+ clear working days before event you pay = 0%
15 - 11 clear working days before = 25%
10 - 6 clear working days before = 50%
<5 clear working days before= 100%
Please note that our product prices shown do not include delivery costs (digital downloads excluded).
Wherever possible, we use trackable shipping services to ensure your order reaches you quickly and securely. We aim to ship within two working days of receiving your order, normally within one day, provided the order is received before 12pm.
Should you not be entirely happy with any product you buy from us, please tell us about it as soon as possible. We will always work with you to provide a replacement or a refund if you would prefer to return the product to us (within a month timeframe from date of purchase).
Please not that our return policy does not apply to digital downloads or offerings, as they are non-refundable/non-returnable.
for employers…
what makes azesta different to other providers?
The fact that every aspect of your programme gives participants things to think about and things to do. Programmes are active and experiential and engage every aspect of a learner – their head, their body, their heart and their spirit. We are committed to working in true partnership with our clients and really care, we are always open, flexible and creative.
how do you measure your results?
We begin with the end in mind – we ask you what results you want to achieve from working with us. We then look at the behaviours, skills and knowledge needed to achieve those results. We work with you to ensure measurements are in place to capture the ‘before’ and ‘after’ straight after the programme and then at a later date. We agree together which of the 8 levels of evaluation we will use. We are lucky in that we deliver a lot of qualification programmes and super high proportion of distinctions say a lot too. Experiential learning is a great way to truly embed learning.
how much do you charge?
We charge a daily rate for delivery and a lower one for research and design. No complicated price models for us. We map out programmes based on our conversations with you and how much of our time we need for the project. We charge expenses in line with your travel policy for work outside of Yorkshire and all costs are agreed in advance so there are never any surprises!
for participants…
What should I wear?
As all of our programmes include some participation in activities, we recommend wearing something comfortable and avoiding high heels or restrictive skirts. Your programme may involve kneeling or standing on grass.
do I have to take part in activities?
We operate on a challenge by choice basis, so it is up to you what you want to take part in. The more you put in, the more you get out.
What if I am not very fit?
Our programmes are very inclusive and you do not need to be fit to take part. Adaptations can be made for people with specific physical issues and all activities are risk assessed and safe for everyone.
Will I have to do role-play?
Some programmes incorporate an element of skills practice, though you will not be required to act or practise in front of the whole group.
what do I need to bring?
You will receive full instructions on this before your programme if indeed you need to bring anything.
Any other questions?
My team was rather dubious when I first asked Azesta to run a team development day but Shirley’s drive, passion & knowledge won them over. It was a very insightful & helpful day as well as a lot of fun. It gave me a clear indication of where to go next in developing the organisation.
| Charles Forman - CEO, Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust