take advantage of our innovative approach to management apprenticeships
A programme designed to professionalise in-house coaching
As an open apprenticeship companies are not required to put forward a cohort of learners and individual applicants are accepted.
The skills your learner will develop:
Enhanced listening and questioning skills
Emotional and social intelligence
Personal awareness ensuring a non-judgemental style and approach
Confidence to work with coaches in person, via video or audio
Ability to work with teams to increase collective awareness, accountability and make positive change
Skills to work with diverse groups, removing barriers that hinder success
Knowledge to quality assure their own practice
A coaching culture and shared mindset
Programme components
welcome pack and pre-reading, self-assessment materials
8 x one-day workshops
monthly one-to-one coaching sessions
psychometric report
online learning materials and reading
live personalised development plan
additional online masterclasses
The Leading Through Coaching programme will include:
Workshops / webinars
Online activities
Individual stretch coach support
Stretch activities
Learning hubs
Assessment & qualification
The Leading Through Coaching Programme
We have always supported our learners individually with regular coaching and with ILM’s on-line Get to Gateway platform packed with content, e-learning and videos and this continues to be part of the experience.
As well as being engaging and experiential, our results are great. So far, 100% of our apprentices have passed their EPA with 60% of them achieving a DISTINCTION and 98% of them achieving a MERIT or DISTINCTION!
Enrolling managers on apprenticeships could give them a real sense of purpose and focus, help them to remain in the best possible mindset to deal with the challenges to come and improve their skills ready for future challenges.
Click for the full Ofsted Report
Leaders collaborate closely with employers to devise an ambitious, imaginative & effective curriculum that successfully prepares apprentices for employment. Facilitators use examples & case studies from a broad range of settings to challenge apprentices to think about circumstances beyond their immediate experience. This prepares apprentices very well for the next steps in their careers at their current employer or elsewhere.
| Azesta Ofsted Report 2020
If you would like to reserve a place, please fill out the form below.